Makes me feel like I'm playing Golden Axe or Metal Slug. Good song to exercise to
Makes me feel like I'm playing Golden Axe or Metal Slug. Good song to exercise to
Way groovy. Excellent blend of sounds
Nailed it!
Really feeling it! Awesome work
Heavy waitroom of doom vibes going on. Dreary, gloomy, done captured a good feel
It's got some great raw elements that have potential to be a solid song! There could be some breaks with some fades-in and -out; right now they're good components, but they could be more strategically structured. Maybe some cuts to half time, and/or alternate the sounds with each other, or some strings or brass, or just noise, idk.
Not bad!
Thanks :P
I'll probably use this ideas in the future, but I should find my way to get the right sounds and techniques I'd like to use in my own style though
I'm pretty much just a beginner....
This is one well-built track, the sounds fit together nicely and the whole thing is nicely shaped.
I feel like I could use some more variation in volume levels; changes in dynamic to give a rising action / climax / falling action kind of feel; fades-in and -out would help give those already lovely chimes a nice dramatic effect!
Solid tune, it's eerie and fun. Has a Gravity Falls kind-of sound going on
Thsnk you for your review, i will keep this in mind maybe for next projects.
Nice job on the EP dude, keep it up!
I like the funky feel in this one
Actually went on my jams mix playlist
You're good up there with the higher and middle ranges
Nice work, mate!
The drums are kinda loud in some parts, though it fits into how the song goes
Your tracks have me wanting to mess with some more acoustic / piano-y sounds and styles